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Tropical Optical
Designer Eyewear by Tuscany
Designer Eyewear by Ray-Ban
Contact Lenses by AcuVue
Designer Eyewear by Michel Kors
Designer Eyewear by Carolina Herrera
Designer Eyewear by Steve Madden
Designer Eyewear by Modo


Eye Examination and Treatment of Eye Disease

The Optometrists at Tropical Optical provide comprehensive medical eye examinations for the entire family. Yearly eye exams are recommended for those under 19 and over 65 years old, contact lens wearers, patients with diabetes, as well as patients with a family history of eye disease. A comprehensive eye exam is recommended every 2 years for those people 19 to 65 with no history of eye disease.


Trained staff provide expert advice on frames and lenses. We carry a wide selection of lenses and designer frames. Same day service is available on in-stock lenses.


Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are now manufactured in almost every prescription. Even those people with astigmatism and presbyopia can now successfully wear contact lenses. Daily, 2-week and monthly lenses are available.

Refractive Surgery

A comprehensive pre-operative refractive surgery assessment is available to determine if you are a good candidate for laser surgery. After your surgery we provide complete follow-up care.

Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)