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Therma Shield Cayman Ltd
Insulation Demonstration
Therma Shield Cayman Ltd - Photo2
Therma Shield Cayman Ltd
Therma Shield Cayman Ltd

What is Insulation and why is it important?

Insulation refers to the act of covering an object to prevent the penetration by a substance through a medium, from a specified source. In this case the object being covered is the building, the medium is the wall, ceiling or roof and the substance being prevented from penetrating is heat.

In any building, the air conditioning unit is the highest consumer of electricity. When your building (residential or commercial) is properly insulated, your cooling system will work more efficiently, thus reducing your monthly energy costs. It is a generally accepted consensus within the energy efficiency industry that insulation, ventilation and air sealing a building envelope give a building owner the greatest energy savings with the fastest payback period.

What is R-Value?

One way the effectiveness of a building insulation product is determined, is by their resistance to heat flow which is measured in “R-value”.

The higher the R-value, the better that product is at resisting the flow of heat through a given medium.

What is the best type of insulation for a “Green, Eco-friendly” Home?

That’s easy: Cellulose insulation. Because cellulose is made from 85% recycled paper, when you install cellulose insulation you are directly contributing to saving the environment.

In addition to reducing the impact on the landfill by recycling the discarded paper, cellulose also uses the least amount of energy to produce and install when compared to all other types of building insulation.

This significantly reduces your carbon footprint on our precious planet.

Can Cellulose be installed over existing insulation?

If the existing insulation rests on the attic floor (such as fiber glass batts/rolls) ,was properly installed, and is still in good condition then it can be installed over it.

What are the sound control benefits of Cellulose Insulation ?

Because sound travels through air and space, the insulative properties of cellulose that prevent heat travel also provide the ability to control sound and in turn keeps a building insulated with cellulose very quiet.

What are the fire resistance characteristics?

All cellulose products used by Therma Shield are manufactured and tested by a third party verifier in accordance with ASTM C739.

The test reveals that Cellulose meets or exceeds the industry requirements and is one of the most fire resistant building insulation materials available to consumers.

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