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The Dental Centre
Dentist, Dr Stephen Blackledge & Operations Supervisor, Cheryl Young
Dentist, Dr Keelin Fox
Dr Stephen & Cheryl Young -Operations Supervisor
State of the Art Surgeries
Kids should visit the dentist as soon as teeth are visible!
Dr Keelin Fox, Dental Nurse- Rachael Pollard

The latest Invisalign orthodontic tooth straightening allows you to straighten your teeth without having to wear unsightly traditional metal braces. Another good thing about Invisalign is that you can remove them when you clean your teeth.

Old fixed metal rail tracks appliances are much harder to clean retain plaque and can cause gingivitis.

We take impressions of your teeth and our laboratory makes a series of clear invisible tooth aligners.

These aligners are made in a series and are changed every two weeks. They gradually move your teeth into the desired final position.

The best thing about Invisalign is that no one will notice you are wearing them.

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)