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The Cayman Islands Brewery
The Cayman Islands Brewery
The Cayman Islands Brewery
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The Cayman Islands Brewery

Promotion - The Cayman Islands Brewery


The Cayman Islands Brewery is pleased to announce our latest shipment of T-Shirts have arrived and are now available from our gift store located at the brewery…

#366 Shamrock Road, Prospect

While coming to purchase unique gifts you are also welcome to sample our various beers and take a tour of our facilities…..and don’t forget we also sell our beers direct for the cheapest price on island….it gets even cheaper if you bring your case of empty bottles back…..


Our Commitment

CIB is passionate about preserving the environment and has adopted internationally accepted environmental practices that contribute to the preservation and protection of the local environment. This is not by any means a cost saving measure; they do this because they genuinely care about the local community and assume responsible stewardship for its environmental well being. By effectively managing precious resources and recycling bottles, spent grains, yeast and water, they have effectively established a new standard for environmentally sensitive brewing. You can help them preserve the environment by returning a case of empty Caybrew or CayLight bottles to the Brewery and receive CI$2. CIB will also accept your used Caybrew cans to forward to National Recycling, alternatively you can contact them direct on 769 9995.


Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)