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Spring Pop-Up Market
Spring Pop-Up Market
Spring Pop-Up Market
Spring Pop-Up Market
Spring Pop-Up Market
Spring Pop-Up Market
Spring Pop-Up Market

Event Registration

Personal Seller Entry Fee - KYD $50
Includes one table, two chairs. 

Business Entry Fee - KYD $275 
Includes one table, two chairs and one container. 

Container Rental & Transportation for the Event Available Upon Request

Additional Tables: KYD $8.00 per table

Additional Chairs: KYD $5.00 per chair

16FT Container Rental – KYD $275
Secure a water-resistant, galvanized steel container to showcase and store your items for sale on the day of the event.

Container Transportation – KYD $180
Enjoy the ease and convenience of having your container delivered directly to your residence or business for loading. Delivery for loading and pickup will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis on Thursday, April 3rd, and Friday, April 4th to ensure your items arrive at the event smoothly.

Post-Event Transportation – KYD $90
Need to transport unsold items back home or to your business? We’ve got you covered! Post-event pickups will begin on Monday, April 7th.

UNITS Blue – KYD $5 per bin
Our most durable and convenient storage bins (24" x 16" x 12") are perfect for organizing your sale items. Featuring a secure hinge closure, they eliminate the hassle of lids that fall off or break when stacked. Bins will be delivered to your table or container for use the day of the event.

Important Event Guidelines & Information:

  • Event set-up Saturday April 5th from 10:00am to 12:00noon
  • All unsold items must be removed from the Market on the event day.
  • Post-event transport containers will be dispatched starting Monday, April 7th
  • The event will be promoted on radio, social media and eCayTrade
  • A raffle draw will be held amongst all participating vendors!
Get in Touch

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)