Realtor in the Cayman for the last 10 years.working for 2 other companies., more focused in the Property Management side of the Industry. With the good news of the marketing rebounding, I have taken on the Entreprenueral spirit of my deceased father Capt Marvin and launched my own company : " Sand Dollar" Rental and Sales .
Even though this Particular Company is new . I have been in the Business for the last 10 years. in the Rental area of Real Estate---Helping Landlords get their Properties rented. And helping Tenants locate a home or apartment they can call home
On the " Development " Side been building and selling in 2007-2009 . Stopping for a pause for the Market to turn around.
Construction ? We can help you find a Reputable contractor who will build your home to your specifications and budget.
With the " ups and downs " of the market , and thankful now is at a great turn around time
Seems like we are in for a turn around great next few years
In the Sales area of Real Estate - it has been my please to help that young person find their first house lot to build their first home..
Buyers have been overjoyed when they found the perfect home that fits them.
It was a delight when I could help the Seller sell their home and land so they could move off island or onto their other venture.
Call me I am happy to get your help you with all your Real Estate needs: Whether you want to get your Home, Condo , Apartment , Land sold or Rented we are here to help.
If you are looking for a Apartment or Condo to rent calll and we will collaborate and contact Landlords and other Agents to try and find you that best suits your budget and location .
We at “ Sand Dollar Rental & Real Estate” are happy to meet you .
There are dozens of web sites about Cayman real estate and I’m glad you’ve found ours
It is said “The only constant in life is change.”, and that has certainly been true throughout my real estate career. Technology and the ways we communicate and marketed have never stopped evolving. Back in 1986 pagers and fax machines were cutting edge. Today’s tools are a state-of-the-art website, social media marketing strategy and a smart phone to name just a few.
Or if you’re a Tenant looking for a Rental , our site is a resource for you .
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands