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Risk Consultancy Ltd.

Online Training:

Courses to be offered in the first instance are:

  • Accident Investigation Technician
  • Rigging, Lifting and Banksment Training
  • Certified Electrical Safety Technician
  • Fall Protection
  • Fire Safety and Fire Warden Training
  • Forklift Safety Technician
  • Machine Guarding Technician
  • Violence Prevention

At the end of these courses, the participant will be given a Certificate of Competence, which certifies them in the chosen field. Refresher courses must be taken every two years to maintain a valid certification.

Classroom Training:

Courses to be offered via classroom sessions include:

Ø  First Aid and CPR

At the end of this course the participant will be given a Certificate of Competence wich is valid for one year. This certificate must be renewed annually


Group and Organization Training:

Courses to be offered via this process include:

Ø  Basic Safety

Ø  Accident Investigation

Ø  Rigging, Lifting and Banksment Training

Ø   Electrical Safety

Ø  Fall Protection

Ø  Fire Safety and Fire Warden Training

Ø  Forklift Safety

Ø  Machine Guarding

Ø  Violence Prevention

At the end of these sessions, the participants will be given Certificates of Participation. These sessions are intended to be half day or whole day session depending on the requirement.

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