www.roguegym.com - A warehouse based studio boxing and mma facility combined with unconventional training classes started in 2011.
www.fitline.ky - Personal Sports and fitness trainers started in 2010
www.EUS.ky - A garden and landscape company started in 2011
Mixed martial arts and boxing event started in 2005
CAYMAN FIGHT FACTORY - MMA and sports based product line specific to the Cayman Islands started in 2012.
"Making business in Cayman what it should be, a pleasant and profitable experience."
Corporate Registration
Management and consulting
Local knowledge base and experienced business partners, Relevant Holdings Ltd. was opened in 2006. The company has worked with individuals and companies in pursuit of various goals. Relevant Holdings has also been involved in a number of Cayman based business projects.
Relevant Holdings Ltd.
Box 658
Grand Cayman KY1-1107
Cayman Islands
[email protected]
P.O Box 658, Grand Cayman , KY1-1107 Cayman Islands