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PMC345 Consultancy
PMC345 Consultancy - Peter Mcloughlin
PMC345 Consultancy

No matter if you are a large established company or a brand-new startup, one of the most important things you must have is a well-defined employee training and development program.

Don’t have one?
Worry not, let PMC345 Consultancy work with you to develop what’s best for you and your team.

With over 20 years of teaching and training experience, we can share our expertise with you and create an effective employee training and development program.

We can accommodate either face-to-face training or virtual sessions as required.

So, what are the benefits of employee training and development?

Enhance efficiency and effectiveness
Motivation of staff
Increased retention of staff
Identify your organization’s future leaders
Enhance company image

PMC345 also offers individual mentoring, coaching, and training designed for job interviews or promotion scenarios.

Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)