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New Theatre Publications (NTP)

New Theatre Publications is the trading name of The Playwrights' Co-operative. This exciting project was launched in the UK by writers Paul Beard and Ian Hornby in October 1997 following the discovery that for a number of years they, and a large number of other writers, had been systematically ripped off by a well-known publishing house who were failing to pass on royalty payments. We now have an office in the USA under the management of Colin Wilson.

From the outset it was our intention to provide the kind of service to writers that no other publishing house offers and we are constantly reviewing our methods to keep one step ahead of all the others. We may not be the biggest (as yet) but we sure try hard to be the best.

Take a look at our online catalogue - from there can have any plays you wish to read emailed to you, free, in Acrobat Reader format.

If you have details of any writing or production opportunities for playwrights please email us

New submissions welcome (by disk or email) but you need to join as a member first.

The Playwrights’ Co-operative/New Theatre Publications One Act Play Competition is now open.

First prize will be £100 and there are other prizes. The winning entry or entries will be offered a publishing contract.

Entry fee is £7.50 per play (US$12.25) and writers can submit as many times as they wish. Members of the Co-operative will be allowed one free entry.

Entries must be by email attachment or disk. With an eye of the environment, no paper copies will be accepted.

The closing date is April 2nd 2010.

Full rules are available on:



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