According to the Cayman Islands Drug and Alcohol Survey 2000, approximately three out of every five adults (61.2%) in the Cayman Islands has tried alcohol during their lifetime. The highest level of liquor consumption was found among young adults aged 20-29 year-olds (41.7%). Usually, a young person with alcohol problems has been exposed to alcoholism in their immediate family, which is not to suggest that the family should be blamed when and if an individual develops an issue. A combination of genetics and environment determine who develops the disease.
• Here’s a list of symptoms to consider when determining if someone you love has a substance abuse issue:
The National Drug Council (NDC) is an independent statutory body set up under the National Drug Council Law, 1997 to co-ordinate anti-drug measures in the Cayman Islands. The National Drug Council consists of 13 council members and an office which serves as the secretariat.
The NDC's mandate is to provide policy advice, information, develop programmes and conduct research in the following key areas:
We do this through:
P.O. Box10007,Unit 17 & 18 Caymanian Village, North Sound Road Grand Cayman KY1-1001, Cayman Islands
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:30am to 5:00pm