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Check out our Packages and find the right one for you!

My Marketing is different!  My Marketing offers creative, cost-effective and efficient marketing services to small and mid-sized businesses in the Cayman Islands market in a confidential and dedicated manner.  
We are a dedicated, hands-on solution for businesses that require dedicated marketing expertise and the creation of marketing products that will allow your business to grow.   If your company does not have the resources or demand hiring a full-time marketing person, then My Marketing could be exactly what your business need!

Here is a list of some of the services that we provide for clients:
• Website Design – Starting as low as $299
• Website SEO – Optimize and promote your website’s search engine’s position
• Graphic Design – Logo Design, Advertisements, Banners, Signs
• Printing – Business Cards, Rack cards, Flyers, Posters, Laminating, etc…
• Video Production & Editing
• Marketing Plans - to give you the most bang for your buck within your budget.

No one can match our low pricing and great value --- but don’t take our word for it, contact us for a quote and let us prove it to you!

Call us at 916-4114 or 623-8492 or email us at 

Visit our website today at or to explore how we can help your business.


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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)