The Mosquito Research & Control Unit (MRCU) was established in 1965 “To suppress mosquito populations so as to minimise discomfort from mosquito biting. To protect residents and visitors from mosquito-borne disease, and thereby enhance the quality of life and promote the economy of the Cayman Islands.”
Dr. Marco Giglioli arrived from London with instructions 'to establish a laboratory and conduct research with a view to advising the Cayman Government on suitable methods of control.'
The Mosquito Research and Control Unit aims to help Cayman Islands residents by reducing mosquito nuisance and protecting against mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue which are common in the region.
To do this, we employ an Integrated Pest Management approach, using a range of physical, biological and chemical control techniques to minimize nuisance levels of mosquitoes and prevent disease transmission.
For more information see our website or to register for alerts on our operations “like” us on facebook
P.O. Box 486, Marco Giglioli Building, 99 Redgate Road Grand Cayman KY1-1107, Cayman Islands