We have added a state of the art Job Portal [JOB SEARCH] to our site and envision a significant reduction in unemployment levels if this tool is used by both the Employer and Job Seeker. Please take a few moments to review the many benefits of this new feature.

Unemployment is everybody’s business and our lives can be impacted if we leave the current situation un-restrained.

We invite you to [REGISTER] for free and spend a few minutes looking at our  Membership Privileges and you will learn why you should become a member.


LCmoneyPlan.com is your only Independent Financial Counseling Site that gives more than just advice.

We are dedicated to helping you with our honest and straightforward solutions in simple language and in addition our user friendly tools will make your steps toward financial independence easier.

Thank you for stopping by and we hope that you make your visit to this site a regular habit.

Ralph Lewis, Founder. 

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