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Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
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Launch Pad Enrichment Center

Launch Pad Enrichment Center would like to announce its new Learn to Swim Program which began on May 30th, 2012 as part of its Developmentally Appropriate Comprehensive Early Childhood Program. Ninety five percent of the enrolled students from 15 months to 4 years of age were voluntarily enrolled by their Parents to participate in  weekly swimming lessons conducted by ISwim Cayman and Safety School led by Tracey Myrie with Instructors Krysten and Zack. The Instructors are certified in Swim Instruction and Coaching, as well as certified in CPR and First Aid. The program began with their individual evaluations after which children were grouped according to age and ability.

Every Wednesday the children eagerly come prepared to learn to swim with Instructors Krysten and Zack and after four weeks of intense group and individual instruction, they are proud recipients of their first swim certificates.  The pool is across the street from Launch Pad and has been generously donated for our use by one of our Parents.
This Wednesday Swimming lessons program will continue throughout the summer as part of our six week Summer Camp program  (July 9th to August 17th, 2012) and continue in September for the 2012-2013 school year.

Water safety and knowledge and comfort in the water is a very important and necessary skill for children in this Island and Launch Pad is proud to be a partner with the ISwim Cayman and Safety School to increase the numbers of young children in the Cayman Islands who are actively working on mastering this skill.


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