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Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
Launch Pad Enrichment Center
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Launch Pad Enrichment Center

School Calendar | Registration Form | Brochure


The Center’s primary program is the Early Childhood Education Program designed to develop and support the growth and development of children who are toddlers, two, three, and four years old in all areas: socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and aesthetically.

LPEC’s other services include an After School Program for children in year 1, year 2, and year 3; tutoring, mentoring, parent education and community outreach; children’s savings program in collaboration with Cayman National Bank; and a lending library for children, parents and teachers.

All parents are encouraged to participate in the Very Important Partners (VIP) program, a parent enrichment program opportunity for parents to become an integral part of their child’s learning journey.

Our goal is to have all children develop a love of learning, demonstrate a positive disposition toward school, and master the requisite skills for reading and writing.

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