Historians reminds us that the practice of Colon Hydrotherapy or in its most basic form "enema or clyster". The enema was first used by the Egyptians of the 14th century in 1700 B.C history even gives the instructions for doing an enema.
It is said that "The uncleanness WITHIN is greater that the cleanness WITHOUT.
And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like a tomb that outward is painted fair, but is within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abomination.
With the advent of rubber and new technology, the enema or clyster slowly gave way to colon hydrotherapy equipments.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a method of removing waste from the large intestine (colon), without the use of drugs. By slowly introducing warm, filtered water into the colon, the waste or hard impacted feces is softened and loosedned, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis direct to the sewage system. Some might argue that it is not "scientificically proven" No science is needed for human beings to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to keep the body hydrated. Colon hyro (water) therapy can be benificial to persons in many ways including persons having rectal examinations, barium enemas, gastroscopies, sigmoid and colonoscopy, also helps to regulate the pH balance. Men with pre or post prostate problems benefits from regular colonics.
Colonic Centre: www.healthysolutionsbiz.com
Learn to listen to your body as it speaks to you through various channels. The Large Intestine or Colon is a powerful and hard working organ. Though ignored and neglected most times – the colon and brains work hand-in-hand. You always hear persons say “ I have a gut feeling “ well your gut feelings are often times right – Health or diesease of the colon affects the entire body in one way or another. You cannot simply decide to be less stressed and magically become calm and serene instead. De-stressing your life takes a concentrated effort on your part and it all begins with the colon. Before and during any weight loss program – do a series of colonics.
Some signs of stress are relatively easy to detect: insomnia, headaches, tremors, anxiety, fatigue, heartburn, increased or decreased appetite and even constipation. Here are ten symptoms that you may not have realized are often associated with chronic stress and systemic toxicity:
Hair loss Mouthsores Brittle Nails
Muscular sytem – cramps, spasms
Cardiovascular - Heart disease or problems
Colon related - Irritable bowel syndrome
Digestive system - Excess belching and/or excess flatulence (gas, bloating )
Immune system - Skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis
Reproductice system - Recurrent vaginal infections ( yeast overgrowth )
Personality changes – Low Self Esteem and Self Worth
The longer one stays in a state of high stress, the worse the symptoms are likely to get, and the worse the stress will get in response to the symptoms themselves—a classic vicious cycle. Stress has been linked to a large spectrum of health disorders in virtually every body system, so it is imperative to do what you can to break the cycle of stress. I encourage you to visit our website www.healthysolutionsbiz.com to learn more about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy and detoxification and how we can help you at Healthy solutions Colon and Detox Centre.
P.O. Box 2211, #4 Dolphin Center, Eastern Ave, George Town Grand Cayman KY1-1105, Cayman Islands