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Kate “Cookie” Dunne-, Founder of Flow~

Flow has been an on-going process for me. I believe that every person's path is personal and unique. Movement has always been a part of my life- from dance, gymnastics, and team sports to competitive bodybuilding and middle distance running. I was doing lots of exercise to help cope with mental and emotional stress I was having dealing with my Mom’s losing battle to cancer.

My body began to physically break down soon after her passing. It took 3 years of seeking help through various medical and health practitioners to find the root of the problem-which ended up being ME; doing and taking on too much and not giving my body enough rest, recovery and taking time to grieve.

It took several more years of surrendering to a “LESS IS MORE” concept for creating a balance of doing the activities I love (I come from the era of “no pain-no gain” and “feel the burn”), getting proper rest and recovery time, and becoming more “in tune” with my body’s needs to finally get my health back on all levels. This journey has led to me to amazing teachers- Alice, Eva and Olga – founders of the Healing Hands Institute for Massage Therapy, Yamuna Zake- for the Body Rolling System and fellowship which led me to further my education with Sandra Sammartino for yoga beyond the physical form. I have developed a strong respect and love for the body and the passion to share and teach what I have and continue to learn to people seeking a path to greater well-being. My greatest of teachers being those whom I have the opportunity to work with on a daily basis

Freeps Martin

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to yoga when I was 18 years old. I was training to be a dancer in London and sadly became injured. After working with various specialists, therapists and healers, with little improvement I decided to try yoga. It was through yoga that my back and hips began to heal. It was then that I experienced the power of yoga. I continued a dedicated practice of yoga asana and it's principles. I moved back to Grand Cayman, my place of birth, in 2002 and continued to practice with one of the most precise, knowledgeable and engaging teachers I have come across, Cathy Alberga.

In 2004 I decided to go on yoga teacher training course to deepen my understanding of yoga- its history, philosophy and to immerse myself in contemplation for a month. It was certainly not my intention to teach but, by the definite instruction of my teacher, I reluctantly came home to teach.

Since then I have been lucky enough to study under some wonderful teachers in both Yoga and Buddhism: Ganga White and Tracy Rich from the White Lotus Foundation (yoga), Cheri Clampett (therapeutic yoga), Heather Tiddens (Forrest yoga), Thick Naht Hanh (Theravada Buddhism), The 14th Dalai Lama (lectures on the nature of reality and initiation to the Vajrasattva).

My life practice and study incorporate both Yoga and Buddhism and I hope to continue deepening my practices every day. My practice is my way of life and those of you that I have the honor of working with are my greatest teachers so thank you!

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