First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman
First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman
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First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman

The PTF has begun their First Annual Fund Raising Campaign!  Anyone interested can stock up on their wrapping paper, gift supplies and sweet treats by ordering from any of the FBCS WEE care and School Students – at least 40% of all profits go to back to the school!  It’s an excellent fund raiser supporting the school .

We are glad you are interested in learning more about our church.  Hopefully the information below will answer some of the questions you may have about FBC.  If you would like more information, please contact us on the web or email us at [email protected] or call 345-949-0692.

We believe in one holy God, Creator of the universe and of all people.  We also confess our rebellion against Him and recognize that justice demands death as the penalty for our sin.  We believe that Jesus Christ lived a perfect and sinless life and died on the cross as our substitute.  Three days later he rose from the grave, triumphant over sin and death.  Through faith in Christ, we are freely and graciously forgiven by God, justified in His sight and promised eternal life.  God restores us to fellowship with Himself and with each other and equips us by His Spirit to live for His glory.

First Baptist Church exists for the glory of God.  We glorify God by growing in our love for God and for each other.  We do this through Bible instruction and study, Christian fellowship and the encouragement of evangelism, missions and other caring ministries.

Our church began on July 17, 1977, in the living room of a rented house in South Sound, the home of missionaries from the International Mission Board.  We built our first permanent home on Smith Road in 1980.  The church called its first full time pastor in 1992.  We moved to our present facility on Crewe Road in 1997.    Today we rejoice in the over 32 years of Gospel ministry that the Lord has seen fit to accomplish through this part of the body of Christ.

9:15am             Sunday School (Infants to Adults)
                        A time to receive teaching and training to assist us in our discipleship
10:30am            Sunday Service
                        Our main meeting where we worship God as we hear and respond to His Word
6:00pm             Evening Service
                        An informal gathering of the church family to sing and pray, and to reflect on the morning service through a brief devotion
6:15pm             Evening Bible Study
                        An inductive Bible Study led by our Pastor.  All are welcome.

We periodically celebrate the baptism of those who profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and whose lives evidence genuine repentance of sin.  Baptisms are held at Smith’s Cove in South Sound after our morning service.  If you are a believer and would like to talk to someone about following our Lord’s command to be baptized, please contact us at the church office.

The Lord’s Supper
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper once a month alternating between the Sunday Morning service and the Evening service.  As we do so, we recall the death and resurrection of Jesus, renew our commitment to His church and look forward to His return.

Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)