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Dr Maeve O'Doherty, Eyes and Lids - Photo2
Dr Maeve O'Doherty Ophthalmologist/Plastic Surgeon
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Dr. O'Doherty, Maeve (Eyes and Lids Ophthalmologist/Plastic surgeon)


Restore and rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes.

As we grow older, the skin loses its natural elasticity, causing the gradual emergence of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging, particularly around the eyes. This can give the eyes an older, tired, and even hooded or bulging appearance that understandably makes people feel self-conscious.

Eyelid surgery – known as Blepharoplasty – is rapidly becoming one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery performed in the world. During a short operation of between one to three hours, it is possible to remove excess tissue, such as skin and fat, from the upper and lower eyelids to create a younger, more attractive aesthetic.


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