Dr. Zanele Balang is a certified Paediatrician committed to providing a home for paediatric medical care for patients from birth to age 18. During her medical career, Dr. Balang has worked in different fields of paediatrics and brings with her vast experience in Primary Care, Paediatric ER services, and Neonatal Intensive Care. Dr Balang is trained to identify and differentiate among paediatric behavioural health problems, such as childhood depression, ADHD, anxiety states, and oppositional and conduct disorders. She can effectively assess, diagnose, and treat paediatric mental health concerns. Building on her clinical background and experience in asthma, eczema, and other atopic conditions, she is also trained in allergy testing and treatments. In addition to the Cayman Islands, Dr. Balang has worked in The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Jamaica.
Integra Healthcare Centre Harbour Walk Cayman Islands