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Dolphin Cove Ltd.
Dolphin Cove Ltd.

Do you dream of swimming with dolphins in the warmth of the Caribbean Sea? Then look no further than Dolphin Cove. Immerse yourself in your Experience of a Lifetime beginning the minute you arrive.
Start your journey in our Nature Trail as you become surrounded with the brilliant colors and sounds of the forest and have a close encounter with one of our friendly parrots.
Now it’s time to meet your dolphin in an interactive and educational Dolphin Swim program. Dive into our natural ocean lagoon to meet one of our playful dolphins. Discover what a dolphin feels like and experience the bliss of giving and receiving a kiss before coming belly-to-belly with your dolphin for a thrilling belly ride. During your program, you will learn educational information about dolphins, their environment and conservation. Let your excitement unravel as you cheer for each other and your dolphin.
Included in your dolphin program is your entrance into either Stingray City or the Cayman Turtle Farm.
With entrance to Stingray City, you will have the chance to experience Cayman’s #1 tourist attraction. Take in the scenery on the short boat ride directly from Dolphin Cove. Wade through shallow water, sand between your toes as stingrays glide effortlessly around you. Discover what a stingray feels like and give one a kiss for 7 years good luck.
With entrance to the Turtle Farm, you will have the chance to experience our internationally renowned research and conservation facility for local sea turtles. Immerse yourself in the delight of interacting with and learning about these fascinating reptiles.
For an additional experience, visit our National Geographic Underwater Photo Exhibit. This exhibit boasts the beauty of the underwater world depicted by photographer Brian Skerry. Step into this extraordinary gallery and surround yourself in an inspiring and enlightening environment.
Do you want to learn more about dolphins and their environment? Enroll your group or classroom in an educational program ideal for all age groups. Learn about a dolphin’s senses, what makes a dolphin a mammal, as well as how dolphins have become masters of their underwater environment.

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