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Department of Environmental Health (DEH)

The department of Environmental Health (DEH) offers the following services to the public:-

  • Processing of Bonfire Applications.
  • Processing of letters for the Importation of Human Remains & Ashes.
  • Providing assistance with solid waste services for special events out-side of normal daily operations.
  • Provide assistance for community clean-up projects.

A written request must be send via one of the following options:-

  • By mail to

    DEH Director
    Department of Environmental Health
    P.O. Box 1820, Grand Cayman
    Cayman Islands KY1-1109

  • By email to [email protected]
  • By Fax to (345) 949-4503
Get in Touch

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)