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Cayman Islands Investment Bureau

Cayman Islands Department of Commerce and Investment

The Cayman Islands Department of Commerce and Investment provides a central point for the coordination of resources and information, which investors or developers can access regarding business opportunities in the Cayman Islands.

The focus of the department is to attract high-value foreign investment that is commensurate with Cayman’s cutting-edge skills and sophisticated business environment.

The department’s professional staff provide a broad range of consultation, liaison, and coordination services, helping investors proceed smoothly with their ventures in the Cayman Islands.

The department further provides information on investing in key business sectors, as well as data on the country’s investment climate and related laws and regulations. Assistance is also given to investors in the negotiation of fiscal incentives for those projects that fall within the specific development objectives of the Cayman Islands.

Local businesses benefit from several departmental initiatives. In particular, the Business Opportunity Listing Service allows local businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with potential investors to obtain financing or assistance with their ventures.

The department also publishes a business directory that is distributed at several international trade shows and events, as well as being provided to foreign investors searching for local partners.

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