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Camana Bay Harbour
One Nexus Way, Camana Bay
Regatta Office Park
Flagship Building


One Nexus Way features 82,000 square feet of office and restaurant space located in the Town Centre of Camana Bay, the Caribbean's only true mixed-use master-planned community. Designed to achieve LEED® Gold certification, One Nexus Way is one of the most energy-efficient commercial buildings in the region. 

As part of Dart Real Estate's ongoing commitment towards sustainable design, One Nexus Way is orientated to provide natural ventilation from prevailing winds; sloped roofs collect rainwater for irrigating the surrounding landscapes; and the building's slender, linear architecture maximises sunlight diffusion, ensuring employees have abundant natural daylight while still remaining energy efficient.

The building is in a prime lcoation, adjacent to the Camana Bay roundabout and with easy access from the Esterley Tibbetts highway. Centered between the sister building, 18 Forum Lane and One Nexus Way is Heliconia Court, Camana Bay's largest central courtyard (20,000 square feet) featuring active spaces with seating where people can congregate as well as a quiet, park=like grove. The four balconies on each office level, representing 12 balconies in total, overlook the Town Centre and the tree canopies of the courtyard and the adjacent landscaping and, from the top floors, overlook the Caribbean Sea.

To arrange a tour of One Nexus Way, please contact a leasing agent today. 

Phone: +1.345.640.3600

Email: [email protected]

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