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Roll-out shelves

At Custom Closets our storage solution are not limited to our roll-out shelves, with that in mind we would like to encourage you to visit our Showroom. With a wide range of roll-out storage products we invite you to envision what your kitchen, bath or laundry room could become. Because everyone’s storage needs are as unique as our Roll-Out shelves, a consultation is recommended.A representative will be happy to meet with you in order to assist you with your storage needs.

Our Pot and Pan Organizer can be built to almost any size needed for your storage requirements. The interior of either box can be adjusted to accommodate almost any size pot, pan or lid.

ShelfSource offers a wide range of Roll-Out Shelves, all Roll-Out Shelf boxes are
custom built for each job and are normally available for install within two to three weeks of order confirmation.

When combining ShelfSource Roll-Out shelves with our accessories line of products you can create storage solutions that are custom fit for your storage needs.

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)