Cooling Cayman your Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Specialists:325 4114 or 939 1598 Sales Service & Repair or Main Office 324-3000.
SAVE 35-55% on your Power Bill(CUC) with Cooling Cayman's ALL New 2018 Single or Multi Zone Super High Efficiency 3D D.C. Inverter Air Conditioning Systems, Call and find out why our customer love the new Systems plus love the SAVE'IN!!! 325 4114 OR 939 1598.
Cooling Cayman has 31 YEARS Working Hands on in the Air Conditioning field, we Carry out a Full Callout & Repair Service to ALL makes and models of Air Conditioning Systems Call:325 4114 or 939 1598.
So if it COOL's CHILL's or FREEZE's We've got you covered!!!!
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Specialists
Tel:325 4114 or 939 1598
PO Box 818, Suite 10 Camana Bay Grand Cayman, KY1-9006 Cayman Islands