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Centennial Towers #1
Centennial Towers #2
D & G Barber & Beauty Salon
Meet the team at Cayman National Bank in Centennial Towers
Subway is open 24hrs at Centennial Towers
Cayman National Bank in Centennial Towers
Meet the team at Longitude Travel Services in Centennial Towers
Get your dry cleaning done today at Puritan Cleaners at our Centennial Towers location
Hon. Tara Rivers Office is located in Centennial Towers
Come in today for your check-up at our West Bay Medical Clinic located in Centennial Towers
Meet the staff at the West Bay Pharmacy located in Centennial Towers
Welcome To Centennial Towers...
24hr Security at Centennial Towers

These three commercial buildings are at the West Bay 4 Way Stop – the centre of commercial activity in West Bay.  They house the district’s premier retail stores, as well as providing office spaces for numerous professionals.

At this convenient location, we have everything West Bay needs to get its business done! We have:

•CNB for your banking needs.
•West Bay Pharmacy and West Bay Clinic for your medical concerns.
•Puritan Cleaners, Bella’s Salon, Infinity Fashions, D & G Barber and
 Beauty ensure that you always look good.
•Subway (open 24/7) will make sure you are well fed.
•LIME and J & M Electronics will ensure that you are always in touch.
•Longitude Travel will get you where you want to go.

Our safe, comfortable, pleasant surroundings, dusk to dawn lighting, security cameras and security guard give you a great location to do your errands . Or come and visit our available office  spaces and consider moving your office away from the traffic, and closer to home!

Tel: 943-4929
Email: [email protected]

Get in Touch

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)