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We are a customer-focused screen printing company based in Grand Cayman. Our main business is T-shirt printing in Cayman for Cayman Islands based customers – Any business, resort, special event, organisation, charity or private customer. We will accept any order we can fulfill, from anything between 12 to over 5000 prints, so get in touch!
The majority of our work is T-shirt printing, although we also screen print other garments, including hoodies and vests. We endeavor to do all our printing in as much of an environmentally-friendly way as possible – all our cleanup chemicals are non-hazardous, natural and drain-friendly with many of them being soy or citrus-based.
We strive for high quality prints with a short turnaround from order to delivery.
We can supply you with everything from quality, basic work T-shirts in a wide range of colours, right through to the softest and smoothest premium organic bamboo cotton items.

Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)