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Entry Requiements for the Cayman Islands

Entry Requirements

Entry to the Cayman Islands is restricted to five groups of people, defined by the Immigration law of 2003. Use EcayOnline to find out more about entering Cayman.


Our Directory has Contact Details for:
  • Visa & Immigration Services
  • Immigration

A tourist is defined as a person arriving in the Islands for a period not exceeding 6 months. They are not allowed to work unless holding a temporary work permit. All tourists should arrive in Cayman with a return ticket and enough money to finance their stay in the Islands.


Our Directory has Contact Details for:
  • Universities
  • Schools

Entry to Cayman is permitted for non-resident students aged 18 years or older. Entry must be for the purpose of attending a recognized educational institution on a full-time basis. Student visas are only granted upon application by schools or colleges. Prospective students should therefore follow advice from their institution’s admissions office.

Work Permit Holder

Cayman companies must submit to the relevant agency a ‘business staffing plan’ setting out their staffing requirements if they are to employ more than 15 foreigners. No work permits will be issued without prior approval of the plan. Generally work permits are issued for a period of up to three years. This is increased to five years for some professions, such as teachers, doctors, domestic help and ministers of religion.

Our Directory has Contact Details for:
  • Relocation Services
  • Recruitment
  • Freight Forwarding
  • Movers & Freight Forwarders
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Nursery - Schools
  • Visa & Immigration Services

Work permits may be ‘rolled-over’ to a maximum of seven years. Permission to extend this would not normally be given without an intervening period of two years’ absence from the Islands. The only exceptions would be for workers designated as ‘exempted employees’ in the business staffing plan, or in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Government’s Business Staffing Board. An extension to a seven year period of residency enables a work permit holder to apply for the grant of permanent residency.

Short-term workers may apply for a temporary work permit of six months’ duration. These are not extendable or renewable. Instead, during the six months period, an application for a full one-year work permit must be made.

Substantial fines are handed down to businesses employing anyone without a work permit.

Permanent Resident

A Blue Anole Lizard in Grand CaymanThere are four categories of person who may apply for the right to permanent residency in the Cayman Islands.

Applications for the categories of...

  • Married to a Caymanian
  • Legally and ordinarily resident in the Islands for at least eight years

...are dealt with by the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board. If successful in their application, they are granted specific residency and working rights. Those married to a Caymanian are permitted to work for any employer in any occupation. Long term residents may work for any employer in the occupation listed in their application for residency.

The suitability of long-term residents for permanent residency is judged according to a points system. This takes into account personal qualities and skills, and knowledge of and contribution to the Cayman community.

Applications for the categories of...

  • Wealthy retirees
  • Entrepreneurs or investors

...are decided by the Chief Immigration Officer. Successful applicants to be considered a wealthy retiree will be given a renewable 25 year permission to reside in Cayman. This is extended to include dependents, but does not grant the right to work. Successful entrepreneurs or investors will be granted a renewable 25 year certificate of residency. This includes the right to work in the licensed business in which they have invested.

The article “A Place in the Sun” by David Ritch, OBE, Senior Partner of Ritch Conolly, gives more information on retiring to the Cayman Islands.


There are four categories of persons who may receive the right to be considered Caymanian under the Immigration Law.

  • A Caymanian as of right, which concerns a child’s parentage.
  • A Caymanian by grant of the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board, which considers birth, naturalization, and marriage.
  • Automatic acquisition, given to a child living in the Islands of someone granted the right to be Caymanian.
  • Granted the right by the Governor, if special reason or circumstances exist.

Ecay Tip – Contact for Fuller Details

Ecay Online can only give an overview of the Immigration Law. In order to find out more about how it might apply to you, please contact the Cayman Islands Government Immigration Department on (345) 949 8344 or online at

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