Writing your policies and procedures handbook:
Revise policies per latest research as appropriate:
Tracking professional research is often a ‘dropped ball’ due to time constraints. Ensure your policies are updated as the latest research becomes published, as it is pertinent to your area of practice. This will give your facility the professional edge.
Review of complaints:
You are required by law to have a formal in-house complaints policy. In the event you must process a patient or employee complaint, CHCC can independently review the case and offer independent findings. This is useful in the occasion where the subject of the complaint is the facility’s primary staff, who would normally review cases. Maintains objectivity of the review.
Review of potential medical malpractice cases:
CHCC will independently review all relevant reports for a potential malpractice case from a medical perspective, source further medical expertise as needed and deliver a comprehensive report for your legal counsel.
CHCC’s consultant is a previous Analyst with the Office of the Complaints Commission (the Ombudsman office) and has investigated, analyzed, and presented recommendations in a written report to the Commissioner for a final ruling. These reports would then be presented to the Legislative Assembly. The consultant has also received extensive training in oversight agency investigations. The medical background brings CHCC a sound investigator who can also recruit other medical professionals unto the review team as needed for a particular medical specialty.
Cayman Healthcare Consulting offers expertise in compliance, policies, certification & training for medical practices and professionals in the Cayman Islands. - Barrie Quappé RN, BSN – Consultant/Director
As the first Health Practice & Facilities Inspector for health care facilities in the Cayman Island, Barrie has developed the policies and procedures for conducting inspections in the health care sector. Her investigative work for the Complaints Commissioner’s office has contributed greatly to her diverse knowledge of Public Administration.
Barrie believes in natural justice, defined as an ‘English legal system doctrine that protects against arbitrary exercise of power by ensuring fair play’. This is the common denominator she uses when conducting either an inspection or an investigation. An example of Barrie’s studies for administrative justice is “Sharpening Your Teeth: Advanced Investigative Training for Administrative Watchdogs” conducted by Mr. Gareth Jones, from the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario, Canada; during her work with the local Ombudsman office.
Barrie has also pursued Certification online with the National Institutes of Health for “Protecting Human Research Participants”. The latter was to help guide the Cayman Islands Health Practice Commission as they process medical research facility applications.
Critical thinking skills, a tenacity for investigation, problem-solving attitude and an overall willingness to work with others in team investigation scenarios sets Barrie apart.
Career Highlights:
P.O. Box 30757, Grand Cayman KY1-1204, CAYMAN ISLANDS George Town, Cayman Islands