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CoolSculpting®, an innovative technology that freezes away unwanted fat, is now available at Cayman Doctors, making it the first medical practices in Caribbean to offer this breakthrough in non-invasive fat reduction.

“CoolSculpting is an exciting new approach that is non-invasive and has shown significant results in clinical studies for removing fat without the potential risks and downtime of invasive procedures,” said Dr. Else Christoffersen. I have found the procedure to be extremely effective, especially on resistant localized areas such as back fat, love handles and the isolated belly fat. CoolSculpting is extremely comfortable and our patients are highly satisfied.”

Cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CoolSculpting gently cools unwanted fat cells in the body thereby inducing a natural, controlled elimination of fat cells. Based on science developed by the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Mass., in the United States, this breakthrough is based on a vast body of research that demonstrates that fat cells are more susceptible to cold and are selectively, painlessly and permanently destroyed. Starting several weeks after the procedure, cooled fat cells begin a process called “apoptosis” and begin to shrink and disappear. The body proceeds to naturally and gradually eliminate the cooled fat cells, reducing the thickness of the fat layer.

“I’m very impressed with my results – particularly for a non-invasive treatment. Within several weeks of my first treatment, I noticed the fat around the treated area lessened considerably and my clothes fit so much better,” says Linda. “I highly recommend CoolSculpting, especially for people who have stubborn body fat that diet and exercise alone do not seem to help.”

Unlike many other methods of fat reduction, CoolSculpting involves no needles, surgery or downtime. During the procedure, a non-invasive applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area thereby specifically targeting fat. Treatments last between one to two hours. Patients can have additional procedures for more pronounced effects if they desire. On average, each CoolSculpting procedure results in an undeniable reduction of fat in the treated area, and patients can start to see results as soon as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results occurring over a period of two to four months in most patients.


  • Tel: (345) 943-63636 Fax: (345) 943-6364
  • e-mail: [email protected]
  • www.cayman –
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