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Care Pharmacy
Care Pharmacy
Care Pharmacy
Care Pharmacy

Care Pharmacy opened its doors in October 2009. It is a full-service pharmacy catering to all of your prescription and over the counter medication needs. Conveniently located immediately beside Seven Mile Medical Clinic you can trust your care to its team of professionals - CARE Pharmacy - Our Name, Our Promise.

To contact the pharmacy directly: email [email protected] call 943-CARE(2273) or fax 943-7373.

Martin is the Owner / Manager of CARE Pharmacy. He is originally from Canada where he attended the University of British Columbia and obtained a BSc (Pham) Pharmacy. Martin can always be found behind the counter of the pharmacy dispensing prescriptions and providing advice to customers. He is especially interested in preventable care, nutritional supplements and skin health.

In addition to English, Martin can also speak Czech and Slovak. To contact Martin directly: [email protected]

Yemi has been working at CARE Pharmacy since January 2010. She has a Masters of Pharmacy degree from the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom.

In addition to English, she can also speak Yaruba, which is a Nigerian dialect.

Melody has been working at the pharmacy since July 2010. In addition to English, Melody can also speak Spanish.


Karen is Martin's wife and she has been helping in the pharmacy since it opened. Karen enjoys meeting and helping customers. Karen understands French.


Get in Touch

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)