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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands

So many ways to get started

Looking to get involved? Whether you’re interested in donating, volunteering or enrolling your child, BBBS offers several types of programs.

Big meets Little.
Starting something begins with finding a great match between a Big and a Little. Making these matches, and performing all the background work involved with them, is possible because of donations from people like you. It's also why we're able to offer such a wide variety of programs that pair children, ages 5 through 18, with role models in one-to-one relationships.

Community-based mentoring
Community-based Mentoring is the traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters relationship. It’s all about one-on-one time spent with the volunteer and the young person doing things they enjoy -- a few hours a couple times a month filled with shared interests and activities like:
• Shooting hoops
• Playing a board game
• Sharing a pizza
• Taking a walk in the park
• Or just hanging out and talking.
The schedule can be flexible to meet the needs of mentors and young people in different kinds of situations. Some Bigs meet their Littles on the weekend or in the evening. Others get together with their Littles after school. There’s almost no one so busy that they can’t find a way to fit in a few hours a month.
Our community-based programme spans all of the districts on Grand Cayman and has also shown an increase in utilization of over 35% over the same period. 
School-based Mentoring
Back in 2002, BBBS teamed up with CUC and George Town Primary School to implement the Bigs in School programme.  Bigs in School is a way for businesses to adopt classrooms and encourage their employees to become workforce and academic mentors, as well as breakfast buddies. As of June 2009, 35 children participate  in the school based programme.  Right now, we are working to expand the initiative to Bodden Town Primary School, where the principal tells us mentors are desperately needed.


How a Big becomes a Big—and a Little, a Little.

Before we make a match, we do our homework. After someone expresses an interest in becoming a Big, they go through an extensive background check and careful interview process. Then we match Bigs and Littles based on location, personalities and preferences. And we provide full support from the start, so matches can grow into lasting, fruitful friendships. It’s also important to note that the entire matching process is made possible through donations —we can’t do what we do best without them!


Volunteer to Start Something

Be a Big Brother • Be a Big Sister • Volunteer
Volunteering is fun, big time.
Being a Big Brother or Big Sister is one of the most enjoyable things you’ll ever do. Not to mention, one of the most fulfilling. You have the opportunity to help shape a child’s future for the better by empowering him or her to achieve. And the best part is, it’s actually a lot of fun. You and your Little can share the kinds of activities you already like to do.

Play sports together. Read books. Eat a pizza. Go to the beach. Visit a museum. Or just give some advice and inspiration. Whatever it is you enjoy, odds are you’ll enjoy it even more with your Little -- and you’ll be making a life-changing impact.

Volunteering just a few hours a month with a child can start something amazing. So why not apply to be a Big today. There are kids out there ready to get started. Are you?

If you can’t volunteer you can also make a donation  to help fund the careful one-to-one matching and ongoing professional mentoring support unique to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Your gift will help match a child facing adversity with an adult mentor. 

Whether you get involved as a volunteer or as a donor, we welcome and thank you for your support!


Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)