Child Care part time

One to two children                        CI. $14.00 or US. $17.00

Three Children                                C1 $17.00 or US $21.00

Four Children                                  CI $20.00 or US $25.00         


Thanks for your interest in using a baby sitter.  Periods of four hours is the minimum amount hours of service for each period. Please pay the sitter for each period. We accept cash or traveler cheques; we cannot accept credit cards or personal cheques.  Please pay sitter daily. Cayman Islands Bank Holidays will be at double time.

We try to give you the same sitter if more than once is booked.  However we do ask you to give us advance notice in order for us to do this.  For a one time booking please give us a six hours advance request. To cancel please give us four hours notice.

Sitters are trained by the CI. British Red Cross in children’s CPR and first aid.  They are also trained in basic child care and have experience in caring for your loved one.  The agency has been in business since 1988.

When you arrive on Island please phone the office to confirm your room or apt. number and we will be able to give you the name of the sitter and her phone number.

Thanks for asking for information concerning our services.

Yours Faithfully,

Darleen Ebanks  


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