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360 Solar ( A 360 Holdings Company)

Go 360 Tech



360 Solar’s supplier, SolarWorld is a world-renowned industry leader.  SolarWorld is the largest US Solar Panel manufacturer and they have been in business since 1975, longer than any other solar manufacturer in the US.

360 is delighted to work with SolarWorld and to provide Cayman with proven solar technology backed by up to a 30-year warranty on the PV performance of their exceptional panels.

No other supplier has the proven reliability of over 4 decades!   Why trust your investment to anyone else?

In 2013 alone, SolarWorld produced more crystalline silicon cells than ALL other U.S. solar companies combined!


Our Sister Company 360 Technologies provides the design, installation and support services for 360 Solar.   We have manufacturer-trained personnel who will ensure best-practices and industry standards are always maintained!


We have partnered with one of Cayman’s Top Roofing & Construction Companies, Smith’s Construction Ltd. 

Their extensive experience and expertise in roofing in particular will provide you with the added assurance that ANY work done on your roof will be to the highest standard and we then extend a full 2-year NO LEAK warranty to you!

Get in Touch

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)